High Priority Areas During Rego Inspections

One of the biggest pains about owning a car is re-registering it annually, which means taking the vehicle for a rego inspection. Notably, a rego inspection is of utmost importance since it involves a thorough examination of a vehicle to determine its roadworthiness. Therefore, rego inspections guarantee your safety and that of other road users. During rego inspections, a professional and licenced mechanic examines different functions of a car. Although every inspection is vital, rego inspectors spend more time on certain parts and functions. This post highlights high priority areas during rego inspections.

Brake Performance 

The brakes are perhaps the most crucial safety feature in a car. While you can drive a vehicle without properly functioning seatbelts, it is virtually impossible to do the same with faulty brakes. Therefore, professional mechanics prioritise the braking system when you take your car for rego inspections. During an assessment, a mechanic examines various parts of the brake system, such as pads, callipers and brake cylinders. If they establish that your brake pads are not working optimally, the car fails the rego inspection. An inspector also evaluates the emergency brake during rego inspections.

Steering and Alignment 

It is another area where rego inspectors spend more time during evaluation. Notably, a misaligned steering wheel is difficult to handle and puts you at risk of fatal accidents. For instance, when your steering wheel is off, you feel like the tyres are pulling to one side. Similarly, steering wheel misalignment leads to uneven and premature tyre wear. Therefore, a professional rego inspector will first inspect all tyres and determine their rate of wear. Afterwards, they will examine the suspension and alignment angles against manufacturer specifications. Note that inspectors will give your vehicle a pass if the angles are only slightly off. However, your car will not pass a rego inspection if assessors find serious misalignment issues.


Many people take their car windscreen for granted, especially when it looks to be in optimal condition. However, it is challenging to know the condition of a windscreen unless you physically exert some pressure on it. Notably, the last thing you want is your windscreen caving into your vehicle's cabin while driving. Therefore, a qualified rego inspector will examine your windscreen thoroughly, looking for cracks, chips and loose seals that could compromise its structural integrity. If your windscreen exhibits such issues, you have to repair them before going for a rego inspection.

Contact a local auto shop to learn more about rego inspections.
